Thursday, July 22, 2010

Our latest move to a new casita

Well, our air conditioner went out on Sunday, so we were fortunate enough to have a new place available for us to move right in to. So here we are, we didn't think things could get any better, but the did. We went from one awesome place to an even more awesome place.

The weather is a balmy 95 degrees everyday, not much change.

We ride our bicycles every morning, and then come home and hang out in our pool, life is incredible!

Dave's working on Cuervo. We should launch her with a couple of weeks, and then we'll be remodeling the inside while we're on the water on our mooring ball. We'll be able to see Cuervo right from our casita.

Adjusting to life in Mexico has been quite easy. Needless to say, Dave, Lucy and I are very content with life.

We hope all is well with everyone!!! :)

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Our bungalow in MX

Our pad is the one on the bay, centered in the photo (beige and blue)

Friday, July 9, 2010

Safe arrival in Mexico on 7/5

We left AZ on 7/5 and moved into our little bungalow on the behia by 5:30 p.m. the same day. We feel so fortunate, and we need to stop and pinch ourselves daily to really realize we are living the life we planned just 15 months ago!! We love it here!

Photos of our pad and its views ahhhhhhhhhhhhh...... will be on their way soon.

We hope this finds you happy and healthy!!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Still in the states and in no hurry to do anything, it's great!

We decided to stay with Dave's sister Deb in Arizona through the 4th of July. This way we get to spend time with Deb, and nephews Andrew and Matthew. Deb's friend David lives in Bisbee, and there's always lot's of fun things taking place on the 4th, so we'll be hanging and having a blast in Bisbee, what a cool little town!

I'll update the blog as things progress! Happy Fourth of July to everyone!